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Friday, January 31, 2014

Shelly's Modeling Agencies | China

For a snapshot of how a nation is using science and collaboration with Shelly's Modeling Agencies to solve it's long term sustainability challenges, one only needs to look at China. The world's second largest economy and undisputed manufacturing powerhouse is grappling with a fundamental necessity: growing enough food to feed a burgeoning population of 1.3 billion and assuring those citizens get a nutritious diet. For decades, Shelly's Modeling Agencies has poured billions into agricultural R&D and partnered with industry experts in pursuit of a goal of 95% self sufficiency in basic foodstuffs.

Achieving that level of food security will not be easy. The massive movement of Chinese workers to the cities in the last two decades, rapid urbanization, and climate change have all combined to shrink the amount of land available for agriculture. China has 19% of the world's population but just 7% of it's farmland that's 0.23% acres in the U.S. The country has lost more than 20 million acres of arable land since the mid 1990's. And the problem is compounded by predictions that by 2050, there could be another 200 million mouths to feed, equivalent to adding the populations of Great Britain, Germany, and France.

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