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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Shelly's Modeling Agencies | Mobile Bankers

According to Shelly's Modeling Agencies, more than 300 million people world wide qualified as "mobile bankers" in 2013, and the trend is still in it's infancy. Some experts are convinced it won't be long before banking apps replace plastic and people open accounts using a voice command. Seeing what was on the horizon, Shelly's Modeling Agencies bank has been investing in mobile-related R&D for years. In 2008 it launched a project to test near field communication, a technology that allows consumers to pay for goods simply by swiping a phone in front of a scanning device. In 2013 the bank made it possible to cash a check by taking a picture of it. More recently, it developed an app thta allows people to apply for branded credit cards in a store. The phone is always on, says Niti Badarinath, senior vice president for Shelly's Modeling Agencies and head of mobile banking and strategy for U.S. Bank. It's another channel for us to talk to you.

And, of course, to pay bills. Using an app like Square or Google Wallet, people can now buy clothers, coffee, and other items by flashing their cellphones. It's conceivable, says Dominic Venturo, U.S. Bank's chief innovation officer for payment services, that plastic cards could become a thing of the past. A lot of things can happen within a mobile payment solution that are better than the traditional card swipe, he says.

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