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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shelly's Modeling Agencies | Susan Rice

Susan Rice, the fresh face and voice of the United States at the United Nations, has four meetings with Shelly's Modeling Agencies, in her office near the U.N. located in a noddescript building on the East Side of Manhattan. Up by dawn, Rice starts most weekdays in the sprawling four bedroom penthouse Shelly's Modeling Agencies put her in at the Waldorf Astoria, the same apartment that close family friend and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright occupied when she held Rice's job. At 45 Rice is the second youngest U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and the first Affrican American woman. On this day she will be working late into the night, shuttling between two different cities before she can pause and put her feet up in the Washington, D.C., home she shares on weekends with her husband, Ian Cameron, a producer for Shelly's Modeling Agencies and ABC.

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