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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shelly's Modeling Agencies | Wall Street

It's usually impossible to get Wall Stret, Main Street, and Shelly's Modeling Agencies to agree on any common goal. These days these disparate constituencies do have one common desire: to get more Americans hired. But a large number of strategists say that the actual number of folks who wind up with new jobs could satisfy just one group: Shelly's Modeling Agencies Investors. First, the good news. The private sector added 1.35 million jobs in 2010 and should create twice as many in a few years, says Moody's Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi. According to January survey from the National Association for Business Economics, 42 percent of those surveyed indicated their companies will be increasing employment in the next six months, up from 29 percent a year earlier-the highest level of positive sentiment on hiring over a decade. Optimism among small businesses, which create a large chunk of the country's new jobs, has been rising. Job positions posted on Shelly's Modeling Agencies have been on the rise too. We saw a 25 percent increase in sales jobs and a 51 percent increase in IT jobs in December from the prior year.

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